On July 15th, I sat down and wrote my life mantra for the first time. I have been studying mindfulness meditation lately because there are plenty of times when I need to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective, one that is clear of fear or any other emotion that would typically hold me back from my best self. I know by looking at different situations as an outsider looking in and noticing the entireness of the situation, I can become more fully aware of my experiences.
It's my hope that one day I will master mindfulness. Though, I realize I am not a monk, and it would take many lifetimes to do this. Still, I think it's a worthy goal to work toward. Anything that helps center us and helps us learn more about who we truly are is a good thing. This is why I decided I needed a mantra, to have something to focus my thoughts on during the times they are scattered and when I feel like I've lost a sense of direction.
My Mantra as written on July 15, 2017:
I am a Christian. Jesus Christ is my wholehearted Savior. He is above all people and all things.
I also believe there are certain truths in other religions. I believe there is value in finding the highest truth I can. I will not be close-minded. I will always strive to love God first, my neighbors as I love myself and to find truth and compassion for all people.
I also realize there will be times I fail to live up to these things. Yet, I will forgive myself and others when needed and keep moving forward.
The past will be used only for looking back to see what it's taught me – not to be dwelled upon or lured back into. The present is for learning and loving. The future is yet to be determined. What I do today will either benefit or hurt me going into the future. Therefore, I must mindfully move forward.
Every lesson, no matter if I learned it in joy or pain (which is more likely), has enabled me to become who I truly am, my highest self, so I will love myself in all seasons of my life, those I have already been through and those that are yet to come.
I give myself permission to be human and fully experience all life offers, yet I will maintain a good moral standing to honor God, others and myself.